
Dampers & Aeraulic devices

Trattare l’aria è nel nostro DNA

Thanks to the items proposed in this appendix, the customer can freely configure the “aeraulic” part of our units, which will then be built/assembled and tested in our factory, guaranteeing simplicity and minimum installation times.

Wide range of devices and aeraulic accessories:

  • Air dampers
  • Certified fire dampers
  • Motors, anti-freezing thermostats and accessories for air dampers
  • Anti-vibration junctions with and without duct flanges
  • Holes, Rings and any shape and sizes of connections (shapes circular, elliptical, semicircular, square, rectangular, etc.) suitable to connect our units with primary air ducts, external air ducts, recirculate air ducts, air intake and air supply.
    Free configurability and compositions of the different devices/connections according to the customer requirements: any position on the top panel, bottom, right side, left side can be required
  • Bioxigen® and Bionizer® devices for air purifying, specially designed to be installed in any air treatment units for civil/domestic/commercial/industrial environments
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